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Master Computer Science
Silvia Niet-Wunram
Paul-Bonatz-Str. 9-11,
Building H, Room 102

57076 Siegen

telephone: +49 271 740-3400
fax: +49 271 740-4018

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Campus Adolf Reichwein


Lecture Hall


Campus Oberes Schloss


Campus Paul Bonatz


Why study in Siegen?

The University of Siegen

The goal of the University of Siegen is to contribute to a humane future and to take responsibility for people and society. This is reflected in the guiding principle of the University of Siegen: creating a common future (see the University's profile). The University of Siegen is dedicated to both, the education of the future academic generation as well as to promote fundamental and applied research in all disciplines. The University has some 19.000 students, 1.400 scientific and 800 technical and administrative staff.

The Computer Science Master at the University of Siegen

Computer Science studies comprise of Bachelor (in German only) and Master (English and German) studies. The master studies in Computer Science offer several study foci, two of which are offered in English, i.e., Embedded Systems and Visual Computing. The main advantages of studying the Computer Science Master in Siegen are the good supervision relationship including a mentoring program involving each master student, a good balance of the master courses with respect to research and practice orientation, and a close involvement of students in research and application projects conducted at the chairs of the Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department.

The City of Siegen

Siegen is a German  university town with around 100,000 inhabitants. It is located in the heart of the Siegerland, a very scenic region in the southern part of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Siegen combines the advantages of a well-developed, urban infrastructure with an incomparable proximity to nature.